Unlock Type Definitions Dialog Box

TestStand launches the Unlock Type Definitions dialog box when any of the following conditions are true:

You can unlock multiple types at once. TestStand ignores any selected types that are already unlocked or for which you have not enabled password protection. If the password you enter does not apply to all of the selected types, TestStand launches the Unlock Failed for Some Type Definitions dialog box, which gives you the option to return to the Unlock Type Definitions dialog box and enter another password to unlock the remaining types.
Note TestStand supports password-protecting types to deter unauthorized users from editing the types in the sequence editor. However, any TestStand user can continue to programmatically edit a locked type by using the TestStand PropertyObject API. National Instruments does not recommend password-protecting types as the only way of protecting intellectual property.

The Unlock Type Definitions dialog box contains the following options:

  • Password —Enter a password to unlock the type.
  • Remember Password —Select one of the following options:
    • No —TestStand does not store the password.
    • For Current Session —TestStand stores the password in the password cache but does not persist the password between TestStand sessions. When you open a file with locked types, TestStand attempts to unlock the types using the passwords in the password cache. Click Clear Password Cache on the Preferences tab of the Station Options dialog box to clear the password cache.
    • For Current and Future Sessions —TestStand stores the password in the password cache and persists the password between TestStand sessions. When you open a file with locked types, TestStand attempts to unlock them using the passwords in the password cache. Click Clear Password Cache on the Preferences tab of the Station Options dialog box to clear the password cache.

See Also

Password Protect Type Definitions dialog box

Station Options dialog box

Types Window

Types Window Context Menu