Export Tools Menu Dialog Box
- Updated2024-10-09
- 1 minute(s) read
Export Tools Menu Dialog Box
Open the Customize Tools Menu dialog box and click Export Items to File to launch the Export Tools Menu dialog box. In this dialog box, select the items you want to export to a tool menu file. Use the Tools menu files to distribute tools menu items to other TestStand installations. Install tool menu files in <TestStand Public> \Setup\ToolMenusToInstall and uninstall files in <TestStand Public> \Setup\ToolMenusToUninstall .
When TestStand starts, it appends the items stored in all tool menu files in the install directory to the tools menu. TestStand then removes the items in the tool menu files in the uninstall directory. After processing the tools menu items, TestStand deletes the tool menu files.
The Export Tools Menu dialog box contains the following options:
- Check the Menu Items You Want to Export —Listbox containing a list of menu items available for export. The Tools menu list on the Customize Tools Menu dialog box populates this list.
- Move Up and Move Down —Changes the order of items within the menu.
- File Name —The path to which TestStand saves the file. The file extension must be .ini .