IO Configurations Options Dialog Box

Select Configure»IO Configurations Options to launch the IO Configurations Options dialog box.

The IO Configurations Options dialog box contains the following options:

  • Editors List —A list of all the IO Configuration Editors installed on the machine. It has following columns:
    • Name —The name of the editor. Hovering over a plugin displays a tooltip with a brief description about the plugin.
    • Version —The versions that are supported by the editor. You can use the dropdown to choose which version TestStand uses.
    • Is Available —Specifies whether TestStand can use the editor. Hovering over this column will display a tooltip with additional information about why TestStand cannot use a plugin.

TestStand creates Session variables automatically. To specify the location where the variables are created, click Configure»Station Options»Preferences and select an option from the Context of Automatically Created Variables ring control.

See Also

Preferences Tab - Station Options Dialog Box