Find/Replace Dialog Box
- Updated2024-10-09
- 2 minute(s) read
Find/Replace Dialog Box
Select Edit»Find/Replace or press <Ctrl-F> to launch the Find/Replace dialog box and begin a search.
Use the Find/Replace feature of the sequence editor to search sequence files, type palette files, users, station globals, and the context of an execution. The sequence editor performs the search in the background and displays the results in the Find Results 1 or Find Results 2 pane of the sequence editor. Use the Find Results pane to perform replace operations and to display the variable or property in a pane or dialog box.
The Find/Replace dialog box contains the following options:
—The string or regular expression to search for. When the Regular Expression option is enabled, you can specify a regular expression. This control contains a ring control in which you can select a previously used string.
- Match Case —Specifies whether the matching of characters is case-sensitive or case-insensitive. For example, if CHR is the specified text and you enable the Match Case option, TestStand finds CHR but not Chr .
- Match Whole Word Only —Finds the specified text only when the characters surrounding it are spaces, punctuation marks, or other characters not considered parts of a word. TestStand treats the following characters as part of a word: A through Z , a through z , 0 through 9 , and the underscore ( _ ).
- Regular Expression —If you enable this option, TestStand treats certain characters in the Find text box as regular expression characters instead of literal characters.
Elements to Search
—Use the following controls to specify the parts of variables and properties in which to search:
- Names —TestStand searches in the names of variables and properties.
- Comments —TestStand searches in the comments of variables and properties.
- Attributes —TestStand searches the attributes of variables and properties and type attributes of type properties.
- Type Names —TestStand searches the type names of root type instance properties. Enable this option to find all of the instances of a particular type definition.
—TestStand searches in the values of variables and properties of the type you indicate by enabling one of the following options:
- String —Searches the string values of variables and properties.
- Number —Searches the numeric values of variables and properties. The numeric format of a variable or property is taken into account when the sequence editor performs the search. For example, if the numeric format of a property displays a number in hex as 0xFA , the search string must match the string "0xFA" and "FA", but not "250" .
- Boolean —Searches Boolean values of variables and properties. When the Boolean value of a property is True , the search must match the string " True ". When the Boolean value is False , the search string must match the string " False ".
- Limit Search to —Limits the search to a particular view you select in the current document.
- Display in Find Results 2 —TestStand displays the results of the search in the Find Results 2 pane of the sequence editor.