Expression Editing Options Dialog Box

Launch the Station Options dialog box and click Expression Editing Options on the Preferences tab or select Options from the context menu of an ExpressionEdit control to launch the Expression Editing Options dialog box.

The Expression Editing Options dialog box contains the following options:

  • Text Element —Selects a text element. This section specifies the following font settings for each text element:
    • Color —Color for the specified text element.
    • Bold —Bold style for specified text element.
    • Italic —Italic style for specified text element.
    • Underline —Underline style for specified text element.
    • Strikethrough —Strikethrough style for specified text element.
  • Auto Completion —Completes the current word or shows the contents of a container when typing. This section contains the following options:
    • On —Enables Auto Completion.
    • Alphabetize Items —Sorts items in the Auto Completion listbox alphabetically.
    • Categorize Items —Groups items in the Auto Completion listbox categorically and then alphabetically within each category.
  • Function Tip —Tooltip-like help that appears when typing a function. This section contains the following options:
    • Prototype —Display the function name and parameters in the help.
    • Summary —Display a brief description of the function in the help.
    • Details —Display a detailed description of the function in the help.
    • Show Automatically —When you enable this option, the ExpressionEdit control automatically displays the function tip while typing. When you disable this option, you must use the defined hot key to display the function tip.
  • Hot Keys —Customizes the hot key for a specified menu item. This section contains the following options:
    • Menu Item —Selects the menu item of the hot key to customize. You can customize the hot key for auto completion, function tip, check for errors, and browse.
    • Enter New Hotkey —The hot key of the currently selected menu item.
  • Other Options —Additional options. This section contains the following options:
    • Word Wrap —Causes lines too long to be displayed on one line to wrap to the next line.
      Note This option applies only to ExpressionEdit controls in which the WordWrap property is set to BooleanOrPreference_UsePreference .
    • Want Return —When you enable this option, the ExpressionEdit control processes the Enter key.
      Note This option applies only to ExpressionEdit controls in which the WantReturn property is set to BooleanOrPreference_UsePreference .
    • Automatically Prefix Variables —If you enable this option, when you type a variable name, the ExpressionEdit control automatically replaces the variable name with the full path of the variable. For example, if you type foo and there is a local variable named foo , the ExpressionEdit control replaces it with . The ExpressionEdit control does not automatically prefix the variable name if the variable name is not unique. However, when you right-click a variable name, the context menu for the ExpressionEdit control lists the full path of every variable with the name and you can select a path to replace the variable name.
    • Undo Limit —The maximum number of edits that can be undone. Enter -1 for no limit.
    • Font Size —Specifies whether to use normal, large, or extra large font size when displaying text in an ExpressionEdit control.
  • Reset Values to Defaults —Restores all settings to their default values.
  • Preview —Displays sample expression text using the currently selected options.

See Also

Station Options dialog box

