-17600: Failed to Load VI


LabVIEW: The VI is not executable. This error may occur becuase the VI needs to be compiled, it is broken, or it contains a subVI that LabVIEW cannot locate. Select File»Open to open the VI and verify that you can run it.

Why does this error occur?

The error occurred for one of the following reasons:

  • A VI, subVI, or its dependencies are not compiled.
  • Dependencies are missing for a VI or subVI.
  • A VI or subVI is broken.

How do I resolve this error?

Use the following suggestions to resolve the issue.

Suggestions Resources
Mass compile your LabVIEW code or project to ensure they are all in one version of LabVIEW, and ensure you have auto-detect enabled. How to Mass Compile in LabVIEW

How to Change the LabVIEW Version TestStand Uses

Build a Packed Project Library. Caveats and Recommendations for Packed Project Libraries
Ensure that all VIs that are set to separate compiled code from source code have been compiled on the machine. Separating Compiled Code from VIs and Other File Types
Make sure you have followed the instructions from the Deploying LabVIEW Code Modules with NI TestStand tutorial. Deploying LabVIEW Code Modules with NI TestStand

If the issue persists, contact NI for support.