Debug Options Dialog Box

Launch the Station Options dialog box and click Debug Options on the Preferences tab to launch the Debug Options dialog box. Use this dialog box to specify whether TestStand performs memory checking and other debug options.

If a code module corrupts the memory within the TestStand process, TestStand can error or terminate. TestStand can only detect the types of memory corruption listed below. Some of these options can slow the execution of steps.

The Debug Options dialog box contains the following options:

  • Stack Checking —When you enable this option, adapters attempt to detect when code modules incorrectly alter the call stack. TestStand cannot detect stack corruption when the operating system marshals an ActiveX call to a different thread, or when calling an EXE ActiveX server.
    Note This option applies only to the LabWindows/CVI (in-process), C/C++ DLL, and ActiveX Adapters when calling a DLL server.
  • Buffer Checking —When you enable this option, adapters detect changes to the memory surrounding buffer parameters passed to code modules. Adapters also detect when const string parameters are altered while calling code modules.
    • This option applies only to the LabWindows/CVI and C/C++ DLL Adapters.
    • When you overwrite the last character in a string buffer, the LabWindows/CVI and C/C++ DLL Adapters automatically allocate an extra character to prevent memory corruption. Consequently, TestStand does not detect a buffer overrun error when you exceed a string buffer size by only one character.
  • Report Object Leaks —When you enable this option, TestStand launches a dialog box during shutdown of the TestStand Engine that contains a list of any top-level Property Objects with unreleased references.
  • Send Output Messages to the Debugger —When you enable this option, TestStand sends text for output messages to the debugger. Output messages are sent to the debugger even when the Output pane in the TestStand Sequence Editor is disabled.
    Note This option applies only to native (non-managed) debugging.
  • Report Known OS and Component Problems —When you enable this option, TestStand launches a dialog box, during shutdown of the TestStand Engine, that contains a list of any operating system issues or component-related issues that can cause leaks in memory, Graphics Device Interface (GDI), and User object resources in TestStand.
TestStand enables some debug options by default during installation. When you deploy TestStand, you can control the initial state of most station options by deploying a copy of the GeneralEngine.cfg file to the TestStand configuration directory on the target system.
Note When you use Microsoft Visual Studio to debug a TestStand application, the output messages do not appear only when you perform managed debugging. Instead, you must perform native debugging.

See Also

Deploying TestStand Systems

Station Options dialog box