Warning Unsupported Engine Options Included Dialog Box

TestStand launches the Warning Unsupported Engine Options Included dialog box when you load a TestStand deployment from an earlier version of TestStand. In TestStand 3.5 or later, some TestStand Engine features are no longer available.

The following TestStand Engine features are no longer available. Review the alternate methods for including them in a deployment.

  • User Interfaces —Add the user interface executable and any support files into a workspace and include the workspace in the deployment.
  • Documentation —Add all of the files from the <TestStand> \Doc directory into a workspace and include the workspace in the deployment.
  • Examples —Include the Examples workspace or add the desired example project(s) to a workspace and include the workspace in the deployment. Some examples require you to install additional software or components on a target system, for example Java and IVI.
  • Tutorial —Add all of the files from the <TestStand Public> \Tutorial directory into a workspace and include the workspace in the deployment.
Note This dialog box also lists any run-time engines and drivers components that are selected in the Drivers and Components dialog box and are no longer available on the system.

See Also

Custom Commands dialog box

Drivers and Components dialog box