Result Processing Dialog Box

Select Configure»Result Processing to launch the default Result Processing dialog box, in which you enable or disable the installed built-in and custom result processing plug-ins in the active result processing configuration and also configure how the plug-ins process test results.

Use the built-in reporting, database, and offline results plug-ins to generate reports, log data to databases, and store results in compact offline result files for processing later, respectively.

Enable the Show More Options control in the Result Processing dialog box to display additional options to insert or delete instances of result processing plug-ins, change the order in which TestStand invokes the plug-ins, and specify whether TestStand invokes the plug-ins serially or in parallel using separate threads.

In the expanded Result Processing dialog box, you can also create and manage result processing configurations. The <Default for Inline Processing> configuration is the default active configuration for processing results at run time. The <Default for Offline Processing> configuration is the default configuration the TestStand Offline Results Processing Utility uses.

You can also create custom result processing model plug-ins .

The expanded Result Processing dialog box includes the following options:

  • Active Configuration —Select the active result processing configuration TestStand uses to process results inline at run time. Select Manage Configurations to launch the Manage Result Processing Configurations dialog box, in which you create or delete result processing configurations.
  • Plug-in Instance Table —Displays the result processing plug-in instances and options in the active configuration. You can insert multiple instances of the same plug-in with various configuration options to accomplish specific tasks, such as creating multiple reports with different formats or logging data to multiple databases. The table includes the following columns:
    • Output —Indicates the type of output the result processing plug-in creates. Use descriptive names.
    • Enabled —Specifies whether TestStand invokes the plug-in instance when processing results.
    • Display —Appears only when the active configuration includes a plug-in instance configured to display a report in the TestStand Report pane. Of the built-in model plug-ins, only the reporting plug-in displays a report. When you include multiple instances of the built-in reporting plug-in, use the Display column to specify which plug-in instance report to display in the Report pane. At run time, you can use the Active Report control on the Report pane toolbar to view reports from other plug-in instances. Disable the checkbox in the Display column of all reporting plug-in instances to create reports but not display them in the Report pane.
    • Options —Includes a summary of the most important option settings for the plug-in instance. Click the icon in the Options column for each built-in plug-in to launch the Options dialog box, in which you configure options specific to the plug-in.
    • New Thread —Use the following options to specify how TestStand invokes the plug-in:
      • Yes —Invokes the plug-in in a new thread and processes results in parallel with other plug-ins and with the testing of subsequent UUTs.
      • No —Waits for the plug-in to complete its processing before invoking the next plug-in listed in the Plug-in Instance Table, including plug-ins configured to use a new thread.
      • Yes, Complete before next UUT —Invokes the plug-in in a new thread and waits for the plug-in to complete before testing begins on the next UUT.
  • Insert New Plug-in Instance —Select from a list of installed result processing plug-ins to insert a new instance of the plug-in in the Plug-in Instance Table.
  • Cut —Removes the selected plug-in instance and places it on the clipboard.
  • Copy —Copies the selected plug-in instance to the clipboard.
  • Paste —Inserts the plug-in instance from the clipboard into the Plug-in Instance Table.
  • Move Up —Moves the selected plug-in instance up one row in the Plug-in Instance Table.
  • Move Down —Moves the selected plug-in instance down one row in the Plug-in Instance Table.
  • Reset to Defaults —Replaces the contents of the current active configuration with one instance of each installed result processing plug-in configured to the default state and prompts you to define the configuration for inline or offline processing. If you select offline processing, TestStand does not insert an instance of the offline results plug-in.
  • Advanced —Launches the Advanced Result Processing Settings dialog box, in which you configure on-the-fly result processing options that apply to all instances of plug-ins in all configurations, such as specifying and managing the processing interval and specifying the maximum number of results.
  • Show More Options —Enable this control to display additional options to insert or delete instances of result processing plug-ins, change the order in which TestStand invokes the plug-ins, and specify whether TestStand invokes the plug-ins serially or in parallel using separate threads. Disable this control to hide most of the controls in the Result Processing dialog box and limit editing to only the plug-in instances that exist in the active configuration.

See Also

Advanced Result Processing Settings dialog box

Manage Result Processing Configurations dialog box

Process Model Plug-In Architecture

TestStand Offline Results Processing Utility