Precondition Builder Dialog Box

Click the Precondition Builder button on the Preconditions panel of the Properties tab of the Step Settings pane to launch the Precondition Builder dialog box in the TestStand Sequence Editor .

The Conditions listbox shows the preconditions of the selected step. The label above the listbox includes the name of the step. The following items can appear in the Conditions listbox:

  • Step status condition expression —Step status condition refers to the status of other steps in the sequence. In the listbox, step status conditions begin with PASS , NOT PASS , FAIL , NOT FAIL , ERROR , NOT ERROR , EXECUTED , or NOT EXECUTED , and the name of the step follows.
  • Arbitrary expression —You can enter an item that contains an arbitrary expression.
  • AllOf block —Brackets multiple expressions and evaluates to True if all the expressions in the block evaluate to True . Each AllOf block consists of a line containing AllOf and another line containing End AllOf .
  • AnyOf block —Brackets multiple expression and evaluates to True if one or more expressions in the block evaluate to True . Each AnyOf block consists of a line containing AnyOf and another line containing End AnyOf .
    Note You can nest one or more blocks within another block. A block treats a nested block as just another expression.

The Precondition Builder dialog box contains the following buttons:

  • Cut or Copy —Cuts or copies a single precondition or an entire block you select on an AllOf or AnyOf line in the listbox. The Cut and Copy buttons dim when you select an End AllOf or End AnyOf line.
  • Paste —Pastes the previously cut or copied precondition below the currently selected precondition.
  • Insert New Expression —Inserts an empty, arbitrary expression below the current line in the Condition listbox.
  • Insert AllOf —Inserts an empty AllOf block below the current line in the Condition listbox.
  • Insert AnyOf —Inserts an empty AnyOf block below the current line in the Condition listbox.

    To nest a block within an existing block, select the AllOf or AnyOf line of the existing block and click Insert AnyOf or Insert AllOf .

    To add a block at the same level as an existing block, select the End AllOf or End AnyOf line of the existing block and click Insert AnyOf or the Insert AllOf .

  • Change Group —When you select an AllOf line, you can click Change to AnyOf to change the block to an AnyOf block. When you select an AnyOf , you can click Change to AllOf to change the block to an AllOf block.
  • Ungroup —When you select the AllOf line or AnyOf line of a block that contains only one expression or that is nested within another block, you can click Ungroup to remove the block but keep the contents of the block.
  • Edit/View Expression —Views or modifies an expression line in the Condition listbox. You can enter or modify the expression manually in the text box. You can also click the Expression Browse button to launch the Expression Browser dialog box, in which you can interactively build an expression from lists of available variables, properties, and expression operators .
  • Insert Step Status —Designs a step status expression. Use the ring control and listbox to choose a step group and step in the sequence. Enable the Negate option to negate the meaning of an expression. The Insert Step Status section contains the following command buttons:
    • Insert Step Pass —Inserts an expression that is True when the status for the most recent execution of the selected step is Passed .
    • Insert Step Fail —Inserts an expression that is True when the status for the most recent execution of the selected step is Failed .
    • Insert Step Error —Inserts an expression that is True when the status of the most recent execution of the selected step is Error , which indicates a run-time error occurred in the step.
    • Insert Step Executed —Inserts an expression that is True when the status for the most recent execution of the selected step is anything other than an empty string.

      For example, if you select the ROM step, enable the Negate option and click Insert Step Pass , TestStand inserts a line containing NOT PASS ROM in the listbox.

See Also

Expression Browser dialog box

Expression Operators

Step Settings Pane