Sequence Analyzer Options Dialog Box
- Updated2024-10-09
- 3 minute(s) read
Sequence Analyzer Options Dialog Box
Click the
Sequence Analyzer Options
button in the
Analysis Results pane
or select
Debug»Sequence Analyzer»Sequence Analyzer Options
to launch the Sequence Analyzer Options dialog box.
The sequence editor requires an enabled
ConfigApp user privilege
to change some options in the Sequence Analyzer Options dialog box. The built-in TestStand Developer and Administrator user groups grant this privilege by default.
The Sequence Analyzer Options dialog box contains the following options:
- Analyze File Before Executing —Enable this option to analyze the active sequence file when you initiate an execution. You can also click the Toggle Analyze File Before Executing button on the Sequence Analyzer toolbar or select Debug»Sequence Analyzer»Toggle Analyze File Before Executing to enable or disable this option. Enabling this option can help you find errors early during development. When you enable this option and the analysis of the active sequence file takes longer than a few seconds, the sequence editor launches the Analyzing Sequence File dialog box to show the progress and allow you to stop analysis.
Cache Sequence File During Analysis
—Keep sequence files loaded in memory during analysis to improve performance. When you enable this option, the TestStand Sequence Analyzer keeps sequence files loaded in memory until the analysis session completes or until limited available memory exists on the computer. When you disable this option, the sequence analyzer unloads each sequence file immediately after analysis.
Note When this option is enabled, type conflicts might occur between the types in the cached sequence files. As a result, you might obtain different results when analyzing a project with this option enabled than when you analyze the project with it disabled.
Current Project Settings
—Contains the following options for the current analyzer project:
- Project Path —The path of the current analyzer project. You can change the path of the current analyzer project by selecting File»Save < filename > As when the Current Sequence Analyzer Project window is active.
- Analyze Skipped Steps —Enable this option to analyze steps for which you set the Run Mode option to Skip.
- Analyze Subsequences —Enable this option to analyze sequence files that Sequence Call steps call from analyzed sequence files. When you use expressions in Sequence Call steps to call sequence files, you must add each file to the Sequence Files to Analyze list on the Files pane of the Current Sequence Analyzer Project window separately.
- Analyze Model Sequence Files —Enable this option to analyze process model sequence files associated with analyzed sequence files.
- Automatically Save Project File —Enable this option to automatically save the project file when you close the file in the TestStand Sequence Editor or stand-alone TestStand Sequence Analyzer application . The default project ( MyAnalyzerProject.tsaproj ) the sequence editor creates at first launch enables this option. The sequence analyzer disables this option for all other analyzer project files you create.
- Available Rules —Launch the Configure Sequence Analyzer Available Rules dialog box, in which you create and edit custom analyzer rules and analysis modules .
See Also
Analyzing a Sequence File or Workspace File in the TestStand Sequence Editor
Configure Sequence Analyzer Available Rules dialog box
Creating Analysis Modules for Custom Rules
Current Sequence Analyzer Project Window