IO Session Dialog Box

Click Edit IO Session on an NI_IOSession type variable in the Variables Pane to launch the IO Session dialog box from the TestStand Sequence Editor or a TestStand User Interface .

The IO Session dialog box contains the following options:

  • Session Details —The details for the selected session. It contains the following information:
    • Logical Name —The logical name of the instrument for which a session is created. You can edit this value to point to a different Logical Name.
    • Instrument Type —The type of the instrument for which a session is created. Select a different instrument type using the dropdown menu.
    • Model Name —The model name of the instrument for which a session is created. You can edit this value to point to a different Model Name.
    • Location —The chassis and the slot number in which the instrument is installed.
    • Channel(s) —The names of the channels supported by the instrument.
  • Advanced —The list of IO sessions present in the selected configuration.
    • Flags —Launches the Edit Flags dialog box, in which you can modify the property flags for the data type.
    • Attributes —Launches the Attributes dialog box, in which you can create and edit the default attributes TestStand assigns to all variables, parameters, and properties you create with the data type.