Import/Update Automatic Properties Panel Types from .NET Assembly Dialog Box

In the Types window, right-click a Step Type containing a TS_AutoPropsStepSettings property, then click Import/Update AutoProps Types to launch the Import/Update Automatic Properties Panel Types from .NET Assembly dialog box.

The dialog box contains the following options:

  • .NET Assembly —The path of the .NET assembly from which TestStand imports the Automatic Properties Panel types.
  • Class —The name of the class which implements the IAutoPropsPanel interface. This class defines the Automatic Properties Panel structure to which TestStand imports the types.
  • Prefix (Optional) —Specifies the prefix to prepend to each type name.
  • Import types into file —Specifies the types file or sequence file to which TestStand imports the types when you click Import .
Note Importing types will modify any TestStand types with the same type name. You cannot undo this operation.