Select a Class Member From LabVIEW Class Dialog Box

Complete the following steps to launch the Select a Class Member from LabVIEW Class dialog box, in which you can select a LabVIEW class member VI to call from the specified LabVIEW class.

  1. On the LabVIEW Module tab of the Step Settings pane in the TestStand Sequence Editor or on the Module tab of the Edit LabVIEW VI Call dialog box in a TestStand User Interface , select the Class Member Call option from the Call Type ring control.
  2. Specify a LabVIEW class ( .lvclass ) file in the Class Path control.
  3. Click the Browse for LabVIEW Member button, located to the right of the Member Name control.

See Also

Calling LabVIEW Class Member VIs from TestStand

Edit LabVIEW VI Call dialog box

Module Tab - Step Settings Pane

Select a Class from LabVIEW Project dialog box

Select a Class from LabVIEW Packed Project Library dialog box