Manage Result Processing Configurations Dialog Box

Select Manage Configurations in the Active Configuration control in the Result Processing dialog box to launch the Manage Result Processing Configurations dialog box, in which you create or delete result processing configurations.

You can create multiple result processing configurations, which are named sets of model plug-in instances you configure to accomplish a specific task, such as creating multiple reports with different formats or logging data to multiple databases. Creating multiple report processing configurations to use as the active configuration can help you quickly change how TestStand processes results. You can create result processing configurations to process results inline, meaning at run time, or offline. For example, you can specify to process offline results differently from inline results or you can specify to process offline result files differently when you store the files in different locations.

Use the Active Configuration control in the expanded Result Processing dialog box to select the configuration to use to process results at run time. Use the TestStand Offline Results Processing Utility to select the configuration to use to process results offline.

The Manage Result Processing Configurations dialog box contains the following options:

  • Configuration List —List of result processing configurations. By default, the Manage Result Processing Configurations dialog box includes the following two configurations you can edit but not delete or rename:
    • <Default for Inline Processing> —Default active configuration for processing results at run time.
    • <Default for Offline Processing> —Default configuration the TestStand Offline Results Processing Utility uses.
  • Insert New —Inserts a new configuration in the Configuration List.
  • Cut —Removes the selected configuration and places it on the clipboard.
  • Copy —Copies the selected configuration to the clipboard.
  • Paste —Inserts the configuration from the clipboard into the Configuration List.
  • Rename —Renames the selected configuration.
  • Reset to Defaults —Deletes all configurations and replaces them with only the <Default for Inline Processing> and <Default for Offline Processing> configurations.

See Also

Result Processing dialog box

TestStand Offline Results Processing Utility