Errors/Warnings in the Database Options dialog box
- Updated2024-10-09
- 2 minute(s) read
Errors/Warnings in the Database Options dialog box
Click on Apply or OK in the Database Options dialog box to validate the options in the Logging/Data Link Options and the default (checked) schema, and to launch the Errors/Warnings in the Database Options dialog box if there is an error or warning.
The Errors/Warnings in Database Options dialog box contains the following controls:
- Logging/Data Link Options —Displays the list of errors in Logging/Data Link Options in the Database Options dialog box. Click Fix to take the focus to the selected error/warning.
- Next —Shows the tab displaying the errors/warnings in default (checked) schema options. This button is enabled only if there are errors/warnings in default schema options.
- Default Schema (Schema Name) —Displays the list of errors/warnings in the default schema options in the Database Options dialog box. Click Fix to take the focus to the selected error/warning.
- Back —Shows the tab displaying the errors in Logging/Data Link Options. This button is enabled only if there are errors in Logging/Data Link Options in the Database Options dialog box.
—Shows the filter level displayed in the grid of selected tab.
- Errors and Warnings—Displays both errors and warnings on the grid.
- Errors Only—Displays only errors on the grid.
- Warnings Only—Displays only warnings on the grid.
- Status Bar —Displays the number of errors each in Logging/Data Link Options and the default (checked) schema.
- Revalidate —Validates the options in the Logging/Data Link Options and the default (checked) schema and updates the Errors/Warnings in the grids.
- Done —Saves the options in the Database Options dialog in the current state and closes the dialog box. Click done to close the main dialog box if the dialog box is launched when clicking the OK button.