Resolve Differences between Function Call and Prototype Dialog Box

TestStand launches the Resolve Differences between Function Call and Prototype dialog box when you click Accept on the C/C++ Module tab, the LabWindows/CVI Module tab, the Module tab of the Edit LabWindows/CVI Module Call dialog box, or the Module tab of the Edit C/C++ DLL Call dialog box and the number of parameters specified in the Function Call control does not match the number of parameters in the Parameters Table control.

The Resolve Differences between Function Call and Prototype dialog box contains the following options:

  • Add parameter(s) to the function prototype —TestStand adds the additional parameters in the function prototype to the Parameters list.
  • Delete the last parameter(s) from the function prototype —TestStand deletes any additional parameters in the Parameters list that are not specified in the function prototype.
  • Discard the last argument(s) to the function —TestStand ignores any extra arguments defined in the function prototype that have no equivalent parameter in the Parameters list.
  • Keep existing arguments —TestStand does not discard the argument values for any additional parameters in the Parameters list that are not specified in the function prototype.

See Also

C/C++ Module Tab

Edit C/C++ DLL Call dialog box

Edit LabWindows/CVI Module Call dialog box

LabWindows/CVI Module Tab