Quick Drop Dialog Box

The Quick Drop dialog box is an easy way to insert objects into the TestStand Sequence Editor without using mouse clicks. You can use Quick Drop to insert steps, sequences, and variables into the sequence file.

Select Edit»Launch Quick Drop or use the keyboard shortcut <Ctrl + Space> to launch the Quick Drop dialog box.

The Quick Drop dialog box contains the following elements:

  • Search Box —Filters the items displayed in the list box based on the string you enter.
  • List Box —Displays all items you can insert into the sequence file. Select an item using the arrow keys, then press <Enter> to insert the item. These items include:
    • Steps —All steps listed in the insertion palette and templates.
      Note If the step is not adapter specific, you can choose the adapter to use for the step.
    • Sequences —New sequences, sequences listed in templates, and sequence callbacks such as ReportOptions or PreUUT.
    • Variables —All basic, built-in, custom data types and variables in templates.
      Note You can choose to insert an array variant of the variable.
  • Group Dropdown —Displays groups into which you can insert the selected item. Depending on the type of item you select, you can insert it into the following groups:
    • Setup, Main, and Cleanup—available when a step is in focus.
    • Locals, Parameters, FileGlobals, and StationGlobals—available when a variable is in focus.