Model Options Dialog Box

Select Configure»Model Options to launch the Model Options dialog box.

The Model Options dialog box contains one or more of the following options, depending on which process model is selected:

  • Number of Test Sockets —The number of UUTs the system can test simultaneously. The Parallel and Batch process models launch a separate test sequence execution for each test socket.

    When running under a model, a sequence can inspect the value of RunState.TestSockets.MyIndex to determine the zero-based index of the test socket on which it is running. The value of RunState.TestSockets.Count indicates the number of test sockets in the system.

    This option is available only when you are using the Batch or Parallel process models.

  • Hide Execution Windows —When you enable this option, the user interface application does not display the Execution window and report for individual test socket executions. This option is available only when you are using the Batch or Parallel process models.
  • Tile Execution Windows —When you enable this option, the user interface application arranges test socket Execution windows so they do not overlap. This option is available only when you are using the Batch or Parallel process models. The TestStand Sequence Editor honors this option when displaying windows in tabs or in separate windows. The example TestStand User Interfaces do not support this option.
  • Bring UUT Dialog to Front When Status Changes —Enable this control to activate the UUT dialog box whenever a UUT completes testing or when a test socket execution terminates. This option is available only when you are using the Parallel process model.
  • Sequential Batch Mode —When you enable this option, the model runs test socket executions one at a time in ascending test socket order. This option is available only when you are using the Batch process model.
  • Default Batch Synchronization —The batch synchronization for sequence files that do not change their Batch Synchronization setting from the default value of Use model setting .

    Because the default batch synchronization setting for a step is Use sequence file setting and the default batch synchronization setting for a sequence file is Use model setting , setting the Default Batch Synchronization setting in the model effectively changes the batch synchronization setting for all steps that do not specify a non-default setting. This option is available only when you are using the Batch model.

  • Discard Results or Disable Results when not Required by Model —Specifies if the process model discards results after the Post Result callback sequences execute when using on-the-fly report generation or database logging , or disables result collection for the execution when report generation and database logging are disabled. This option is available when you are using the Sequential, Parallel, or Batch process models.
    Note If you have configured the process model to use multiple process model plug-ins, the process model discards or disables results only when you have configured all process model plug-ins to process results on-the-fly.