Edit Paths in Files Dialog Box

Call the Engine.DisplayEditPathsInFilesDialog method to launch the Edit Paths in Files dialog box.

The listbox contains the station configuration files and sequence files currently in memory. For each of the sequence files in memory, the listbox shows the simple filename and the complete pathname. The following are the symbolic tags and purposes of the station configuration files:

  • Engine Settings —File in which TestStand stores the station options.
  • Station Globals —File in which TestStand stores the names and values of the station global variables.
  • User Manager —File in which TestStand stores the information regarding the user manager.

To edit paths in one or more files in the listbox, place a checkmark for each file you want to edit and click OK . To edit the paths in a sequence file that are not in the listbox, click Add Files .

When you select one or more files to edit, the Edit Paths dialog box launches.

See Also

Edit Paths dialog box
