Type Conflict in File Dialog Box

TestStand launches the Type Conflict in File dialog box when you load a file that contains a type definition while another type definition of the same name already exists in memory and TestStand cannot automatically resolve the type conflict. TestStand uses this dialog box to inform you of the conflict when any of the following conditions exist:

  • The type definitions are not identical and the type versions are identical
  • At least one type is marked as modified
  • The Allow Automatic Type Conflict Resolution option on the File tab of the Station Options dialog box restricts automatic type conflict resolution in the current situation

The text box control displays the conflicting type information with the file.

Use this dialog box to select one of the conflicting definitions to replace the other or rename one of them so they can coexist in memory.
Note TestStand might prompt for the password to unlock some types to confirm that the user has permission to replace or rename that type definition. When renaming a type, TestStand prompts the user for a password if the type to rename is a locked, password-protected type. When replacing a type with a corresponding version of the type, TestStand does not prompt the user for a password when either of the following conditions are true:
  • The password of the type being replaced is the same as the password of the type that is replacing it.
  • The password is in the password history of the type that is replacing it, even if the type replacing the locked type no longer has password protection enabled.
Therefore, a newer version of a type can disable password protection without prompting as long as its password or password history contains the password of the type it is replacing.

The Type Conflict in File dialog box contains the following options:

  • Use Currently Loaded Type —Instructs TestStand to convert instances of the type in the file to use the currently loaded type. The newly loaded file is marked as modified.
  • Use Type from < Sequence File > —Instructs TestStand to convert instances of the type in memory to use the type from the specified file. All previously loaded files that contain the type and instances of the type are marked as modified.
  • Rename Currently Loaded Type —Instructs TestStand to rename the type in memory and converts instances of the type in memory to use the new name. All previously loaded files that contain the type and instance of the type are marked as modified.
  • Rename Type in < Sequence File > —Instructs TestStand to rename the type in the file and convert instances of the type in the file to use the new name. The newly loaded file is marked as modified.
  • Apply Option to All Conflicts in File —Applies the selected option to all conflicts in the sequence file.

See Also

Station Options dialog box

Password Protect Type Definitions dialog box

Unlock Type Definitions dialog box