Step Type Menu Editor Dialog Box
- Updated2024-10-09
- 4 minute(s) read
Step Type Menu Editor Dialog Box
Select Customize from the context menu in the Step Types list of the Insertion Palette , or select Step Type Menu Editor from the context menu in the View Types For panel of the Types window to launch the Step Type Menu Editor dialog box in the TestStand Sequence Editor , in which you can use any combination of different type palette files. You can use the Step Type Menu Editor dialog box to ensure that the Step Types list of the Insertion Palette and the Insert Step submenu of the Steps pane context menu properly organizes the step types the type palette files contain. The changes you make in the Step Type Menu Editor dialog box appear in both the Step Types list and the Insert Step submenu.
The Step Type Menu Editor dialog box contains the following options:
- Groups and Step Types —All step types that appear in the menu. Steps types reside in groups, which appear as folders in the menu. Groups do not appear as items in the menu. Instead, step types that reside in the same group appear together in the menu. However, you can designate that a group appears as a submenu. In this case, the contents of the group appear in a submenu within the menu. You can drag and drop step types and groups within the tree control to change the order of appearance of the step types in the menu. When you drag an item over a group, the group highlights to indicate that you can insert the item into the group. A line between two items indicates the item you drag can drop between the items the line separates.
- Preview Menu —Displays a menu that previews the appearance of the Insert Step submenu.
- Move Up/Move Down —Changes the relative order of groups or step types at a particular level in the tree. Use the drag and drop method to change the level of an item in the tree.
- Add Group —Adds a new group to the bottom of the list of groups. Use the drag and drop method to move the group within the tree control.
- Remove Group —Removes the selected group. You can remove a group only if it is empty.
- Rename Group —Renames the selected group in the tree control. Typically, the group name does not appear in the menu. When you move a type palette file to a new system, TestStand use the group name to determine when to group step types from the new file in the same group as existing step types. Step types that specify the same group name appear together even if the step types reside in different files.
- Remove Type —Removes the selected step type. You can only remove a step type not currently loaded into memory. Use this option to remove menu information for step types you no longer need.
Group Settings/Step Type Settings
—Changes the appearance of groups or step types in the menu. Different controls are visible depending on whether you select a group or a step type in the tree.
- Hide —Removes the selected group or step type from the menu.
- Separator —Places menu separators around the selected group.
- Submenu —Causes all step types and subgroups in the selected group to appear inside a submenu.
Submenu Display Name Expression
—An expression that determines the name of the submenu item if the group appears as a submenu. If the expression is empty or evaluates to an empty string, the submenu name defaults to the name of the group.
Click the Expression Browse button to launch the Expression Browser dialog box, in which you can browse for properties and functions to build the Submenu Display Name Expression.