Step Properties Dialog Box

To examine and modify the values of built-in properties of a step, select Properties from the context menu for a step in the list view of a sequence file in a TestStand User Interface , or call the Engine.DisplayStepPropDialog method.

The Step Properties dialog box contains the following tabs:

  • General — Contains buttons that launch the Specify Module dialog box, the step-type-specific Edit dialog boxes, and the Preconditions dialog box.
  • Run Options —Various options for loading and running the step code module .
  • Post Actions —The action to take when the step finishes executing.
  • Loop Options —Specifies whether TestStand loops on the step. TestStand can loop a fixed number of times or loop until a specified number of iterations pass or fail. You can also customize the loop conditions.
  • Switching —Specifies whether TestStand performs switching operations before the step executes and after the step executes.
  • Synchronization —Specifies when TestStand postpones execution of this step or other steps to synchronize the execution of multiple steps. You can also use the Synchronization step types to perform more advanced types of synchronization.
  • Expressions Expressions TestStand executes before and after the step executes.
  • Requirements —Provides a mechanism for notating product and unit requirements the step covers. This control contains a list of strings where each string represents a single requirement. You can also notate requirements information in the Workspace Object Properties , Sequence File Properties , and Sequence Properties dialog boxes.

See Also


Module Tabs and Specify Module Dialog Boxes

Sequence File Properties dialog box

Sequence Properties dialog box

Workspace Object Properties dialog box