Select Module From Project Dialog Box

Click the Browse for VI button on the LabVIEW NXG Module tab of the Step Settings pane or in the Edit LabVIEW NXG VI Call dialog box, when configuring the step using LabVIEW NXG Development System, to launch the Select Module From Project dialog box.

Use this dialog box to select the VI you want to call from the LabVIEW NXG project. The project tree lists the following:

  • The Project
  • The Targets supported by Components in the Project
  • The Components under each Target
  • The Namespaces under each Component
  • The VIs under each Namespace.

Click the Refresh button to reload the project control tree. Use the Search field to search for VIs/Components in the project. The VI Description pane lists the description of the VI selected in the project tree. The Selected Module control displays the Module Qualified Name of the selected VI. When you hit OK after selecting a VI in the dialog, the selected Module Qualified Name is set on the LabVIEW NXG Module.