Offline Results File Generation Options Dialog Box
- Updated2024-10-09
- 2 minute(s) read
Offline Results File Generation Options Dialog Box
Click the icon in the Options column of the Offline Results File plug-in in the
Result Processing
dialog box to launch the Offline Results File Generation Options dialog box, in which you specify options for an instance of the offline results plug-in, such as determining the directory location for result files, writing the results to the file on-the-fly or after each UUT completes, limiting the number of UUTs per file, and automatically starting or exiting the
TestStand Offline Results Processing Utility
. You can also launch the offline results processing utility from this dialog box.
National Instruments recommends storing reports, offline result files, and databases locally instead of over a network for reliability and performance concerns. If you require a network storage solution, configure TestStand to store data locally and use a separate process or application to transfer files to and from the network.
The Offline Results File Generation Options dialog box contains the following options:
Directory in Which to Store Result Files
—Specifies the directory in which the plug-in instance stores offline result files.
Note If the combination of the result filename and its directory exceed 259 characters, standard Microsoft Windows functions and applications, such as CopyFile() and Windows Explorer, that you might use to manage the file do not operate correctly. As a workaround, select a directory with a shorter path, access the directory using a mapped drive letter, or specify the "\?\" prefix Windows requires to denote extended length paths. Refer to Microsoft MSDN documentation for more information about naming files, paths, and namespaces.
- File Name Format —Shows the components of the filename the plug-in selects. You cannot edit this control. If a file with the same name already exists, the plug-in appends a number to the filename.
- Store Results as They are Generated (On-the-fly) —Enable this option to write results to the file on-the-fly. Disable this option to write results to the file after each UUT completes. Use the Advanced Result Processing Settings dialog box to configure on-the-fly result processing.
- Limit the Number of UUTs per File —Specifies to store all the results from an execution in a single file or to create a new result file when the current file contains the results for the number of UUTs you specify. The limit is an approximate threshold that TestStand might exceed to keep the results for all the UUTs in a particular batch within the same results file.
- Automatically Start Offline Result Processing Utility —Enable this option to start the TestStand Offline Results Processing Utility when the offline results plug-in creates a new results file and the utility is not already running.
- Exit When Processing Completes —Enable this option to automatically exit the offline results processing utility when processing is complete. This option has no effect when you have already launched the utility.
- Start Minimized to Tray —Enable this option to automatically start the offline results processing utility minimized in the Microsoft Windows System Notification Area (system tray) of the taskbar.
- Open Offline Results Processing Utility —Launches the TestStand Offline Results Processing Utility.