Create/Update Custom Data Type from Cluster Dialog Box

Click Create/Update Custom Data Type located next to the parameter in the Type column on the LabVIEW Module / LabVIEW NXG Module tab or in the Edit LabVIEW VI Call / Edit LabVIEW NXG VI Call dialog box to launch the Create/Update Custom Data Type from Cluster dialog box.

When you are creating a new custom data type, the Create/Update Custom Data Type from Cluster dialog box contains the following options:

  • Type Name —The name of the new custom data type.
  • List Box —Includes the following information:
    • Cluster Element Label —The name of the element in the LabVIEW/LabVIEW NXG cluster.
    • Property Type —The type associated with the element in the TestStand type. In the case of clusters, which are type definitions, this is the type name. If a cluster element uses a variant data type, use the combo box in this column to select the property for the TestStand type.
    • Property Name —The name associated with the element in the TestStand type. You can customize the property name.
  • Create Custom Data Type In File —The location where TestStand creates the new data type. By default, TestStand creates the new data type in the current sequence file.

When you are updating an existing custom data type, the dialog box contains the following options:

  • Type Name —The names of the existing custom data types. Select a type to update.
  • List Box —Includes the following information:
    • Cluster Element Label —The name of the element in the LabVIEW/LabVIEW NXG cluster.
    • Property Type —The type associated with the element in the TestStand type. In the case of clusters, which are type definitions, this is the type name. If a cluster element uses a variant data type, use the combo box in this column to select the property for the TestStand type.
    • Property Name —The name associated with the element in the TestStand type. You can customize the property name.
    • Update Action —The action to take to update the element in the TestStand type. If the cluster element has been removed, you can ignore the property, remove the mapping from the TestStand type, or remove the element itself.
  • Update Custom Data Type In File —The locations of the custom data types to be updated.
You can also use the Cluster Passing tab of the Type Properties dialog box to update the cluster passing settings for an existing custom data type.
  • This dialog box is available only for cluster and cluster array parameters.
  • When you update a strict type definition in LabVIEW/LabVIEW NXG, you must also update all instances of the custom data type you created in TestStand from that LabVIEW/LabVIEW NXG strict type definition. TestStand does not automatically update custom data types with changes you make in LabVIEW/LabVIEW NXG.
  • You cannot use the Create/Update Custom Data Type from Cluster dialog box to update an existing custom data type you use in C or .NET steps.

See Also

Cluster Parameters

Edit LabVIEW VI Call dialog box

LabVIEW Module Tab

Passing Existing TestStand Container Variables to LabVIEW

Type Properties dialog box