Watch Expression Settings Dialog Box

Select Edit on the context menu of the Watch View pane in the Execution window or click Edit or Add on the Watch Expressions tab of the Edit Breakpoints/Watch Expressions dialog box to launch the Watch Expression settings dialog box, in which you can edit the settings of a watch expression. TestStand associates watch expressions with the current workspace.

The Watch Expression Settings dialog box contains the following options:

  • Expression —The expression TestStand evaluates at run time. Click the Expression Browse button to launch the Expression Browser dialog box.
  • Breakpoint Type —The type of conditional breakpoint for the watch expression. TestStand evaluates the expression after a step executes and suspends on the step if the break condition applies. Watch expressions support the following breakpoint types:
    • None —No breakpoint condition.
    • On Value Change —Suspends the execution when the value of the watch expression changes.
    • On Expression True —Suspends the execution when the coerced value of a watch expression evaluates to True . TestStand breaks after each step until the condition evaluates to False .
  • Exist Only in Specified Scope —Specifies whether a watch expression applies when executing within a specific sequence file or within specifically named sequences.
    • Sequence File —The name of a sequence file to which the watch expression applies. TestStand only evaluates a watch expression when a sequence in the specified sequence file is executing. Leave this control empty to instruct TestStand to evaluate the watch expression for all sequence files. TestStand populates the ring control with the names of the currently loaded sequence files. You can specify a sequence filename or an absolute pathname.
    • Sequence —The name of a sequence in which the watch expression applies. TestStand only evaluates a watch expression when the specified sequence executes. Leave this control empty to instruct TestStand to evaluate the watch expression for all sequences. TestStand populates the ring control with the names of the sequences in the file selected in the Sequence File control.
    • Attach to Sequence Context from Specified Scope —When you enable this option, TestStand attaches to a sequence context that matches the scope settings of the watch expression. While the attached context is valid, TestStand uses the context to evaluate the expression even if the stack depth of the active context is greater than the stack depth of the attached context.
  • Exist Only in Current Execution —Enable this option to instruct TestStand to only evaluate the watch expression in the current execution. TestStand discards watch expressions that only apply to a current execution when the Execution window closes.

    Disabling this option instructs TestStand to apply the watch expressions to all executions that use the same client sequence file. Watch expressions that apply to all executions also apply to new executions.

  • Client Sequence File —The name of the client sequence file to which the watch expression applies. Leave this option empty when you want the watch expression to apply to all executions.

See Also

Edit Breakpoints/Watch Expressions dialog box

Execution Window

Expression Browser dialog box

Watch View Pane