Database Options Dialog Box

In the Result Processing dialog box, click the icon in the Options column for the built-in database plug-in to launch the Database Options dialog box, in which you can customize the logging of results to a database. The settings you select in the Database Options dialog box apply to all executions that use the Test UUTs and Single Pass entry points.
  • If you are using the equivalent legacy TestStand 2010 process models, select Configure»Database Options to launch the Database Options dialog box.
  • National Instruments recommends storing reports, offline result files, and databases locally instead of over a network for reliability and performance concerns. If you require a network storage solution, configure TestStand to store data locally and use a separate process or application to transfer files to and from the network.

The Database Options dialog box contains the following tabs:

  • Logging/Data Link Options —Use this tab to set general options for database logging and to configure the data link information the TestStand process model requires to connect to a database and log data.
    • Logging Options —General options for database logging, such as the type of data to log, whether TestStand logs to a database after testing a UUT, or whether TestStand logs concurrently with an execution.
    • Data Link Options —Data link information the process model requires to connect to a database and log data.
  • Schemas —Use this tab to access the available database schemas, customize a schema, and specify the default schema the TestStand process model uses. If the configuration file TestStandDatabaseSchemas.ini does not exist, or database schemas do not exist in the configuration file, TestStand will load the default installed schemas.

The Database Options dialog box also contains the following control:

  • Apply —Applies the changes made without closing the dialog box.
Note Clicking Apply or OK validates the expressions in the default (checked) schema. Note that TestStand ignores the error code TS_Err_UnknownVariableOrProperty. The variable or property will be evaluated at run-time. If you click Cancel after clicking Apply , any modifications made to the dialog before you clicked Apply will still be committed. Clicking Apply or OK launches the Errors/Warnings in Database Options dialog box if there is an error or warning in the Database Options dialog.

See Also

Database Known Issues

Database Logging

Result Processing dialog box

Using the Database Options with TestStand 2013 or Earlier Process Models