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Command: RdeEuExportReport2

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Command: RdeEuExportReport2

Exports the end results of the RdeEuAnalysis data evaluation according to the data exchange format described in Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/1832 of November 5, 2018, Annex III, Appendix 8, Point 4.2.2, Table 4, 5, 5a, 5b, and 6. The command assumes that the metadata is stored as group properties of the first channel group.

ReturnValue = RdeEuExportReport2(TargetFile, TargetLanguage)

Input Parameters

TargetFile Specifies the name of a data file with the filename extension and the path.
TargetLanguage Specifies the language of the exported file.

Return Parameters

ReturnValue Returns the value 0 if the function has executed successfully. Returns a negative value if an error occurred.

Related Topics

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