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Command: GroupClpCopy

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Command: GroupClpCopy

Copies one or more channel groups from the Data Portal to the clipboard.

ReturnValue = GroupClpCopy(ClpSourceData, [ChnXYRelation])

Input Parameters

ClpSourceData Specifies the group name or the group index, or the array with the group names, that DIAdem copies.
[ChnXYRelation] Specifies that there are x-channel references in xy-channels and that the x-channel is used when copying and moving xy-channels.

Return Parameters

ReturnValue The return value is an Integer variable type. Receives the number of copied groups.
Note  Use the GroupCopy command to copy channel groups and to paste channel groups to a new position in the Data Portal. When you use the GroupClpCopy command to copy channel groups to the clipboard, DIAdem copies only a reference. If you modify channels in the channel group, add new channels, or delete channels, DIAdem uses the GroupClpPaste command to paste the current status of the Data Portal.

Related Topics

Command: ChnClpCopy | Command: ChnClpPaste | Command: DataBlClpCopy | Command: DataBlClpPaste | Command: GroupClpPaste | Command: GroupClpPaste | Command: TextfromClipboard | Command: TextToClipboard | Variable: SourceGroupIndex | Variable: TargetChnIndex | Variable: TargetGroupIndex

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