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Command: ChnEventSampleCount

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Command: ChnEventSampleCount

Specifies the number of values of an individual event or of all events from the results list of an event search. Use the ChnEventStatValueCount command to count only those values at which the specified channel does not contain any NoValues.

ReturnValue = ChnEventSampleCount(ChnEventList, [ChnEventListIndex])

Input Parameters

ChnEventList Contains the search result or the result of a logical operation from several searches.
[ChnEventListIndex] Specifies the index of the event. If the index is not specified or if Null is specified, DIAdem includes all events.

Return Parameters

ReturnValue The return value is a Longinteger type.


The following example searches for the areas in which the values of the [1]/[2] channel are between 40 and 50. The example returns the number of values for each located event.



Dim iCount, sOutPut
ChnEventResultList= Null 
ChnEventResultList = ChnEventDetectionWindow(, "[1]/[2]", 40, 50, 0, 0)
sOutPut = "Statistic results for events:" & VBCrLf & "Number of values: "
For iCount = 1 to ChnEventCount(ChnEventResultList)
  sOutPut = sOutPut & " Event " & iCount & ": " & ChnEventSampleCount(ChnEventResultList, iCount)
Call Msgbox(sOutPut)

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