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Command: ChnORACalc

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Command: ChnORACalc

Calculates the Occupant Ridedown Acceleration (ORA).

Call ChnORACalc(XW, X1, Y1, ORATime0)

Input Parameters

XW Specifies the data channel that contains the time values in seconds.
X1 Specifies the data channel that contains the x-acceleration values in gn (gravity acceleration).
Y1 Specifies the data channel that contains the y-acceleration values in gn (gravity acceleration).
ORATime0 Specifies the time of collision in seconds.
Note  If you want to use waveform channels in this command, follow rule 2.2 for calculating with waveform channels.

Return Parameters

ORATimeReceives the time of the stoppage deceleration.
ORAMaxReceives the stoppage deceleration after the impact in gn (gravity acceleration).
ORAVersionReceives the version number of the ORA calculation routine.
Note  In addition, DIAdem saves the results and the version number, which differs from the DIAdem version number, in the following custom properties of the input channel: ResultORAMax, ResultORATime, and ResultORAVersion.
Note  Refer to the standard EN 1317-1, Road Restraint Systems, Part 1 Terminology and General Criteria for Test Methods, for more information about this crash function.

Dialog Box Call

Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaChnORACalc")

Crash Analysis (ORA)

Note  Refer to the descriptions of the Crash Analysis Criteria for further information such as background, input values, and rules and regulations. 

Related Topics

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