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Command: ChnEventDetectionDifference

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Command: ChnEventDetectionDifference

Checks whether two successive single values differ by a certain amount.

ReturnValue = ChnEventDetectionDifference(XW, Y, ChnEventDeltaValue, ChnEventDeltaType, [ChnEventBeginIndex], [ChnEventEndIndex], [ChnEventMaxResultCount], [ChnEventCloseOnNoValue])

Input Parameters

XW Specifies the data channel containing the x-values. You do not need to specify this channel.
Y Specifies the data channel containing the y-values.
ChnEventDeltaValue Specifies the sum of the difference value on which DIAdem checks a channel.
ChnEventDeltaType Specifies the difference type of the difference value on which DIAdem checks a channel.
[ChnEventBeginIndex] Specifies at which line number DIAdem starts checking the values of the data channel. The default value is 0, which means that DIAdem starts checking the values from the first row.
[ChnEventEndIndex] Specifies the line number up to which DIAdem checks the values of the data channel. The default value is 0, which means that DIAdem checks the values up to the last row.
[ChnEventMaxResultCount] Specifies the maximum number of result values. The default value is 0 and means that DIAdem uses all result values.
[ChnEventCloseOnNoValue] Specifies whether DIAdem uses a NoValue at the end of the value area searched for. The default value is FALSE, which means that DIAdem ignores NoValues.

Return Parameters

ReturnValue A return value is a two-dimensional array containing the search results. Refer to Result of the Event Search for a detailed description of the array. Use the variables ChnEventList1, ChnEventList2, or ChnEventResultList as the return value of this function, or define your own variable.


The following example searches the areas in which the values of the [1]/[3] channel differ from their preceding value by 100. The example returns an Event/EventStatus channel, which contains the value 1, when the difference condition is met. Otherwise the result channel contains the value 0.



ChnEventResultList= Null 
ChnEventResultList =  ChnEventDetectionDifference( , "[1]/[3]", 100, "absolute")
Call ChnEventCreateStatusChn("Event/EventStatus", ChnEventResultList, "[1]/[3]", 0, 1)

Dialog Box Call

Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaChnEventDetection")

Event Search

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