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Command: RdeEuExportData

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Command: RdeEuExportData

Exports the input data of the RdeEuAnalysis data evaluation according to the data exchange format described in Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/1832 of November 5, 2018, Annex III, Appendix 8, Point 4.1, Tables 1 and 2. The command assumes that the metadata is stored as group properties of the first channel group.

ReturnValue = RdeEuExportData(TargetFile, TargetLanguage)

Input Parameters

TargetFile Specifies the name of a data file with the filename extension and the path.
TargetLanguage Specifies the language of the exported file.

Return Parameters

ReturnValue Returns the value 0 if the function has executed successfully. Returns a negative value if an error occurred.

Related Topics

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