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Command: HdSave

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Command: HdSave

Saves a data set header file in the DAT format.

Call HdSave(HdFile)

Input Parameters

HdFile Specifies the name of a data set header file in the DAT format.


The following example loads the data set properties of the Test.dat file into the variables. The example then renames the first channel of the data set in the header variable. DIAdem sets a marker for all header variables and saves the header variables in the data set header file Test2.dat. DIAdem does not load and does not write any binary data. Instead, the Test2.dat file refers to the same binary files as the Test.dat file.



Call HdLoad("Test")
FileChnName(1) = "NewName"
Call HdMarkAll()
Call HdSave("Test2")

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