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Command: ChnLinGenImp

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Command: ChnLinGenImp

Generates an implicit channel with a prescribed linear generation.

ReturnValue = ChnLinGenImp(GHdChnName, GHdChnLength, GHdStartVal, GHdStep, [GenXUnitPreset])

Input Parameters

GHdChnName Specifies the name suggestion for a channel in the Data Portal.
GHdChnLength Specifies the maximum number of values per channel. The default value of the GHdChnLength variable is 0.
GHdStartVal Specifies the first value of implicit data channels and the offset of explicit data channels.
GHdStep Specifies the difference between two successive values.
[GenXUnitPreset] Specifies the unit in which DIAdem generates the numeric channel. By default DIAdem does not use a unit. 

Return Parameters

ReturnValue The return value is a String variable type. Receives the name of the new channel.
Note  DIAdem uses the start value and the difference between two successive values to define implicit channels. When saving implicit channels, DIAdem only saves the parameters of the generation specifications.
DIAdem always creates a new channel in the default group. If the name does not conform to the name conventions, DIAdem corrects the name. If there is already a channel with this name, DIAdem adds a number to the valid name.

Dialog Box Call

Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaChnGen")

Generate Numeric Channel

Related Topics

Command: ChnDXDivGen | Command: ChnFromWfXGen | Command: ChnGenSignal | Command: ChnGenTime | Command: ChnGenVal | Command: ChnGeoGen | Command: ChnLinGen

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