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Command: ChnClpPaste

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Command: ChnClpPaste

Pastes channels from the clipboard to the default group in the Data Portal.

Call ChnClpPaste(ClpTarget, [ChnXYRelation])

Input Parameters

ClpTarget Specifies the channel number which the first inserted channel receives. If the target channel number already exists, DIAdem moves the existing channels.
[ChnXYRelation] Specifies that there are x-channel references in xy-channels and that the x-channel is used when copying and moving xy-channels.
Note  Use the Move for Data method to move the inserted channels to the target position in a channel group.
Use the ChnCopy command to copy channels directly.
When you copy and paste a calculation channel, DIAdem first deletes all calculated data, the unit and, if available, the xy relationship. When you update values in the Data Portal, DIAdem attempts to recalculate the values with the channels in the channel group and restore the xy relationship. This is only possible if the specified channels are available in the channel group. Use the RunCalculation for CalculationChannel method to calculate the values of of a calculation channel.

Related Topics

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