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Command: ChnSplitAtValue

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Command: ChnSplitAtValue

Separates a channel into two new channels at a specified limit value.

Set ChnResult = ChnSplitAtValue(Y, SplitValue, FloorIsNovalue, ResultChannel, ResultChannel)

Input Parameters

Y Specifies the data channel containing the values to be divided.
SplitValue Specifies the limit value at which DIAdem divides a channel. The default setting is 0.
FloorIsNovalue Specifies whether DIAdem replaces the value that corresponds to the SplitValue variable with NoValue or with the value of the SplitValue variable, in the result channels.
ResultChannel Specifies the result channel containing the values above the limit value.
ResultChannel Specifies the result channel containing the values below the limit value.

Return Parameters

ChnResult Contains the result channels. ElementList <Data> type return value.

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