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Command: AutEdTabNameGet

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Command: AutEdTabNameGet

Returns the name of a file that is loaded in the script editor.

ReturnValue = AutEdTabNameGet(AutEdTabIndex)

Input Parameters

AutEdTabIndex Specifies the index of a file that is open in the script editor.

Return Parameters

ReturnValue Receives the name of the file in the script editor. The return value is a AutEdTabName type.


The following example displays the names of all the files open in the script editor.



Dim strMsg, intLoop, MyAutEdTabName
Call AutEdInfoGet()
strMsg = "List of open files: " & VbCrLf
For intLoop = 0 to AutEdNoFiles -1
  MyAutEdTabName = AutEdTabNameGet(intLoop)
  strMsg = strMsg & MyAutEdTabName & VbCrLf
Call MsgBoxDisp(strMsg)

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