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Command: DataSaveAdd

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Command: DataSaveAdd

Saves data to an existing DIAdem DAT data file.

Call DataSaveAdd(DataFile, ChnList, [DataFileCode])

Input Parameters

DataFile Specifies the name of the current data file.
ChnList Specifies one or more channels.
[DataFileCode] Specifies the coding procedure for DAT data files. By default DIAdem saves the data file in Unicode.


The following example saves the channels whose names start with the text Channel from the first group in the Data Portal and all channels from the second group in the file MyExample1.dat. If this data file already exists, DIAdem appends the channels.



Dim oMyChannelList
Set oMyChannelList = Data.GetChannels("[1]/Channel*")
Call oMyChannelList.Add(Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2))
Call DataSaveAdd(DataWritePath & "MyExample1.dat", oMyChannelList)

Related Topics

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