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Command: ChnResampleChnBased

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Command: ChnResampleChnBased

Maps a signal onto an interpolation channel.

Set ChnResult = ChnResampleChnBased(XW, Y, SamplingPointChn, ResultChannel, ResampleMappingMode, ResampleAntiAliasingFilter, ResampleInterpolateNovalues, [ResampleInterpolationMethod])

Input Parameters

XW Specifies the data channel containing the time values. If the associated y-channel is a waveform channel, you do not need to specify this channel.
Y Specifies the data channel containing the y-values.
SamplingPointChn Specifies the data channel containing the interpolation points.
ResultChannel Specifies the result channel for the converted y-values.
ResampleMappingMode Specifies the mapping mode for the resampling.
ResampleAntiAliasingFilter Specifies that DIAdem filters the y input channel. The default value of the variable is FALSE, so that DIAdem does not filter the input channel.
ResampleInterpolateNovalues Specifies that DIAdem replaces the NoValues in the y-values by interpolating the neighboring points. The default value of the variable is FALSE so that DIAdem does not replace NoValues.
[ResampleInterpolationMethod] Specifies how DIAdem interpolates the y-channels if the ResampleMappingMode variable has the value "Analog". As a default, the ResampleInterpolationMethod variable has the value "Akima", which means that DIAdem interpolates the signal with Akima subsplines if you do not specify the value.

Return Parameters

ChnResult Contains the result channel with the y-values converted to the interpolation points. ElementList <Data> type return value.
Refer to the Help page Resampling and Synchronization for further information.


The following example maps the signal defined by the channels [1]/[1] and [1]/[2] to the interpolation channel [1]/[3], and stores the result channel in the Results channel group. DIAdem specifies the type of interpolation automatically without filtering the input channel. The input channels are accessed through channel objects.



Dim oMyXChannel, oMyYChannel, oMyX1Channel, oMyResultChn
Set oMyXChannel = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels(1)
Set oMyYChannel = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels(2)
Set oMyX1Channel = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels(3)
Set oMyResultChn = ChnResampleChnBased(oMyXChannel, oMyYChannel, oMyX1Channel, "Results/Resampled", "Automatic", False, False, "Akima")
Call MsgBox("Result channel: " & oMyResultChn(1).ChannelGroup.Name & "/" & oMyResultChn(1).Name)

The following example maps the signal defined by the channels [1]/[1] and [1]/[2] to the interpolation channel [1]/[3], and stores the result channel in the Results channel group. DIAdem specifies the type of interpolation automatically without filtering the input channel. The input channels are accessed through the channel reference.



Dim oMyResultChn
Set oMyResultChn = ChnResampleChnBased("[1]/[1]", "[1]/[2]", "[1]/[3]", "Results/Resampled", "Automatic", False, False, "Akima")
Call MsgBox("Result channel: " & oMyResultChn(1).ChannelGroup.Name & "/" & oMyResultChn(1).Name)

Dialog Box Call

Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaChnResample")


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