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Command: ChnConvertTextToAssignment

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Command: ChnConvertTextToAssignment

Valid names: ChnConvertTextToAssignment, TextChnToAssignmentChn

Generates an assignment channel from a text channel.

Set ChnResult = ChnConvertTextToAssignment(Y, DefaultValue, DeleteTextChannel)

Input Parameters

Y Specifies the data channel containing the y-values.
DefaultValue Specifies the text which DIAdem uses in assignment channels when no text is assigned to the value.
DeleteTextChannel Specifies that DIAdem deletes the text channel which contains the texts for the assignments. The default value of the variable is FALSE, so that DIAdem does not delete the channel.

Return Parameters

ChnResult Contains the result channel. ElementList <Data> type return value.
Note  The y-channel must be a text channel.

DIAdem generates an assignment from every text in the text channel and assigns a value to every text. The first text gets the value 1 and the subsequent texts a value incremented by 1. Additionally DIAdem converts the values of the assignments as channel values into the assignment channel. If a text is the same as the default value, DIAdem does not generate an assignment from this text and enters the value 0 for the channel value.

If you want to use waveform channels in this command, follow Rule 2.3 for Calculating with Waveform Channels.

Dialog Box Call

Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaChnAssignment")

Numeric Channels <-> Assignment Channels

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