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Command: ChnGenLSFitWeighted

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Command: ChnGenLSFitWeighted

Specifies the k-dimensional linear curve values and the k-dimensional coefficients for linear fitting that best fit a k-dimensional curve using the least square method. DIAdem includes the y-channel weightings.

Call ChnGenLSFitWeighted(Y, ChnList, Y1, ResultChannel, GenLSFitCovariance, GenLSFitAlgorithm)

Input Parameters

Y Specifies the data channel containing the y-values of the signal.
ChnList Specifies one or more channels.
Y1 Specifies the data channel containing the weightings for the y-values of the signal.
ResultChannel Specifies the result channel containing the y-values of the approximation function.
GenLSFitCovariance Specifies whether DIAdem generates the covariance matrix for a general LS linear fitting.
GenLSFitAlgorithm Specifies the algorithm for the general LS linear fitting.

Global Parameters

GenLSFitWeightedSpecifies whether DIAdem weights the y-values of the general LS linear fitting.

Return Parameters

GenLSFitMSEReceives the mean squared error of a general LS linear fitting.
Note  DIAdem saves the mean squared error in the following custom properties of the result channels: Result~GeneralLSLinearFit~MSE.

DIAdem calculates a result channel with the coefficients and a covariance matrix if the GenLSFitCovariance variable has the value TRUE. The number of calculated coefficients is equal the column number of matrix H. This is the matrix which corresponds to the formula and which DIAdem uses for the adaptation to the amount {X, Y}. The number of matrix columns is equal the number of specified channels in the variable ChnList.

Refer to the Help page General LS Linear Fitting for further information.

Dialog Box Call

Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaChnGenLSFit")

General LS Linear Fitting

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