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Command: ChnAdd

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Command: ChnAdd

Adds two or more channels.

Set ChnResult = ChnAdd(Y, CALCYChn, ResultChannel)

Input Parameters

Y Specifies the data channel with the values you want to add.
CALCYChn Specifies the data channels containing the y-values of the signal.
ResultChannel Specifies the result channel.

Return Parameters

ChnResult Contains the result channel. ElementList <Data> type return value.


The following example adds the channel Group1/Channel1 to the channels whose names start with the text Channel in the first group of the Data Portal and to all channels of the second group. DIAdem saves the result channel name in the MyMultpleResultChn variable.



Dim oMyChannelList, MyMultipleResultChn
Set oMyChannelList = Data.GetChannels("[1]/Channel*")
Call oMyChannelList.Add(Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2))
MyMultipleResultChn = ChnAdd("Group1/Channel1", oMyChannelList,"Added")

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