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Command: GPSDistance

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Command: GPSDistance

Calculates the shortest distance and the angle from the earth’s center between two coordinates taking the ellipsoidal shape of the Earth into account.

Call GPSDistance(Latitude1, Longitude1, Latitude2, Longitude2, EllipsoidGeometryType, ResultDistance, ResultAngle)

Input Parameters

Latitude1 Specifies the latitude of the first coordinate.
Longitude1 Specifies the longitude of the first coordinate.
Latitude2 Specifies the latitude of the second coordinate.
Longitude2 Specifies the longitude of the second coordinate.
EllipsoidGeometryType Specifies whether DIAdem assumes that the Earth is a sphere or ellipsoid according to the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS 84).
ResultDistance Receives the distance in m.
ResultAngle Receives the angle in degrees.
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