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Command: ChnConvertNumericToWaveform

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Command: ChnConvertNumericToWaveform

Valid names: ChnConvertNumericToWaveform, ChnToWfChn

Converts channel pairs from x-channels and y-channels into waveform channels. When you convert an xy-channel to a waveform channel, DIAdem automatically removes the xy relationship.

Call ChnConvertNumericToWaveform(X, ChnList, [XChnDelete], [WfXStartTimeMode])

Input Parameters

X Specifies the data channel containing the x-values.
ChnList Specifies one or more channels.
[XChnDelete] Specifies whether DIAdem deletes the x-channel after the operation. The default value is FALSE which means that DIAdem does not delete the x-channel.
[WfXStartTimeMode] Specifies the type of time reference when converting numeric channels to waveform channels, and whether DIAdem considers the waveform start time when converting waveform channels to numeric channels or when generating a channel from the x-part of a waveform channel.

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