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Command: AppRectangleGet

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Command: AppRectangleGet

Specifies the size of a DIAdem window area. DIAdem returns a zero based array which contains the distance in pixels from the left, the upper, the right, and the lower edge to the screen origin. The screen origin is the top-left corner of the screen.

ReturnValue = AppRectangleGet(AppRectangleType)

Input Parameters

AppRectangleType Specifies the window area of DIAdem. The value 0 corresponds to the DIAdem main window or the value 1 corresponds to the area below the last symbol of the panel bar.

Return Parameters

ReturnValue The return value is a Variant variable type. DIAdem returns a zero-based array that contains the distance. If the panel bar is not visible or does not exist and the command is called with the value 1, the function returns NULL.

You can use this command, for example, to position non-modal dialog boxes below the panel bar.


The following example outputs the area below the last symbol on the panel bar.



Dim iFreeBarRect
iFreeBarRect = AppRectangleGet(1)
If Not IsNull(iFreeBarRect) Then
  Call MsgBoxDisp("Left: " & iFreeBarRect(0) & ", Top: " & iFreeBarRect(1) & ", Right: " & iFreeBarRect(2) & ", Bottom: " & iFreeBarRect(3))
  Call MsgBoxDisp("There is no visible panel bar")
End If

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