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Command: MatSub

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Command: MatSub

Subtracts two matrices componentwise.

Call MatSub(ChnList1, ChnList2)

Input Parameters

ChnList1 Specifies one or more channels.
ChnList2 Specifies one or more channels.

The ChnList variable specifies the first matrix, the ChnList2 variable specifies the second matrix.

Note  If you want to use waveform channels in this command, follow rule 2.3 for calculating with waveform channels. This rule applies to a column pair of matrix 1 and matrix 2.
Note  A NoValue in a matrix component results in a NoValue in the result matrix.
Note  If the two matrices do not have the same number of columns and rows, DIAdem uses the lowest common number of columns and rows.
Refer to the Help page 3D Arithmetic for further information.

Dialog Box Call

Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaSubMat")

Matrices operations


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