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Command: DataLoadHdFile

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Command: DataLoadHdFile

Loads data set properties from a DIAdem Dat data file.

Call DataLoadHdFile(DataFile)

Input Parameters

DataFile Specifies the name of the current data file.
Note  Before you call the command DataLoadSel, you must execute the commands HdLoad or DataLoadHdFile to load the channel properties. Otherwise DIAdem cannot specify any channel names.


The following example loads the channel properties from the Drive.dat file. DIAdem loads the second channel from the Drive.dat file.



Call DataLoadHdFile("Drive.dat") 'Read header file
Call DataFileLoadSel("Drive.dat","DAT","[1]/[2]")

Related Topics

Command: FileNameGet | Command: HdLoad | Commands and Variables for Working with Files and Folders | DIAdem Library Paths | DIAdem Path Variables | DIAdem User Paths

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