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Command: HdCopy

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Command: HdCopy

Copies a channel header from one channel to another channel.

Call HdCopy(HdChnArg1, HdChnArg2)

Input Parameters

HdChnArg1 Uses the channel name or the channel number to specify a channel.
HdChnArg2 Uses the channel name or the channel number to specify a target channel.


The following example reads the data of the Test.asc file. DIAdem then generates a channel header and copies the channel header. The copied channel header also contains a factor and an offset.



GHdChnNo = 1 
GHdChnLength = 20 
GHdChnType = "EXPLICIT" 
GHdDispFormat= "Numeric" 
GHdChnFile = "Test.asc" 
GHdSaveType = "CHANNEL" 
GHdChnIdx = 4 
GHdChnMode = "ASCII" 
GHdAsciiPtr = 1 
GHdDecChar = "." 
GHdExChar = "E" 
GHdSep = "," 
GHdOffs = 0 
Call HdCreate() 
Call HdCopy("[1]/[1]","[1]/[2]") 
FileChnStep(2)= 5 
FileChnBeginVal(2)= 50 
Call HdMarkAll() 
Call HdSave("Test")

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